The prevailing faith bible institute is an arm of the prevailing global ministries. That began as a workers training program 1999 but grew into a school of ministry and later become an institution. Since in caption of the institution we have graduated several student that has become overseer and founders of ministries across the globe.our mandate is to raise kingdom eagles with passion spreading the gospel across the globe. Our bible school program is for believers who has the called of God into ministry. Both full time ministry and ministry in the market place. Wither with those who are called as laywokr in the church or those who choose to serve in the mession field . in our program we do not only disciple stundent we also equip them by availing them ministry opporty. Learn more about our bible school.
Our vision is train and raise kingdom leaders who lead with the precision of an eagle. Our classes are specifically laid out for the purpose of equipping believers to grasp the fullness of the call on their lives from our Lord Jesus. We seek to provide you with ministerial credentials to help you find your place in ministries across the globe. Our vision is also to raise up ministers to reach the unreached nations of the world. Our Bible Institute gives the unique opportunity for ministers from the rural areas to come and be taught, empowered, and equipped, to then return to their own nations ready to impact their world with the love of Christ.
, The Prevailing Bible Institute is a Word-based institution that believes and teaches the full Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We teach the death, resurrection, rapture, second coming, and the everlasting judgement. We believe the Bible when it says that the ministers of the Gospel must be without blemish and be ones with a good report. We teach and practice all the Word of God stands for and uphold it. We believe that the church, the body of Christ, belongs to Christ, and that as ministers of the gospel, we must be a good steward of the Church that has been committed into our trust. We believe that no man takes this honor of becoming a minister of the Gospel without first being brought into salvation through the blood of Jesus and called by Him to serve in such a capacity of responsibility.
1. Building Kingdom Minded Leaders
2. Instilling Integrity of the Word
3. Passion for Saving Souls
4. Kingdom Networking Opportunities
5. Excellence in Ministering
6. International Creditability