1.Raising disciples for Christ.
2. Bringing apostolic order in the body of Christ.
3. Perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry.
4. Equipping the ministers, educationally, mentally, and
spiritually for the work of the ministry.
5. Providing global opportunities which help those called
into the ministry to define their calling.
6. Supplying the necessary credentials, certificates, licensing
and every other document that may be needed to be effective
in ministry.
7. Providing Ordination, Opportunity, and Impartation for the
When you study at Pre-faith Bible Institute, beyond your
education, you will enjoy:
1. Global placement.
2. International connection
3. Ministry and Serving Opportunities
1. School of Ministry
2. School of the Supernatural
3. School of Mission
4. School of the Apostolic and Prophetic
Our school home base is located in Miami, Florida and is also
established with satellite campuses in Mexico, Brazil, Kenya,
Bolivia, and Nigeria.
1.We offer programme on school of ministry
2.We offer programme on school of the supernatural
3.We offer programme on the school of mission
4.We offer programme on the school of the apostolic
and prophetic.
The Pre-faith Bible Institute offers nine months of
intensive Bible School program, which can be attended
in three sessions lasting three months each. Completion
of all three semesters qualifies you to have a degree
with us and an ordination into ministry.
If nine months feels too heavy to begin with, we also
offer a certificate program running for just three
months, where you are able to complete part of the
full time program by choosing any one of the
semesters we offer. Upon completion, you are qualified
for a certificate which enables you to participate in our
international program and helps you get connection to
global placement program.
If God is calling you to come up higher, we are here to
serve you in reaching up into His destiny over your life.
Prayerfully consider beginning somewhere, but don't put
off your growth and launching any longer. God has great
plans for you and now is the time to align yourself with